How does condensation form?

Condensation on windows is caused by an excess of moisture or humidity inside the house.

When water vapour in the air comes into contact with a cold surface such as a mirror or window pane, it turns into water droplets called condensation.

All houses occasionally have condensation, such as slight condensation on the windows, but this is not a major problem. On the other hand, condensation on windows, frost inside, peeling paint or damp spots on ceilings and walls can be symptoms of excessive condensation and possible problems which would damage your house. We tend to notice first the condensation on windows and mirrors because the mold does not penetrate into these surfaces. This condensation is not another problem, it is simply a clue that you have to reduce the internal humidity of your house.

The problem is not your windows

You may be wondering why your new energy-efficient replacement windows have more condensation than your old windows that let drafts in did. It's simple: your old windows were not airtight and allowed moisture to escape. Now that your new windows have a tighter seal, the extra moisture in your home cannot escape; therefore, you see more of the excess moisture.

Windows do not cause condensation; rather, they prevent moisture from escaping and provide a surface where condensation can easily form. This phenomenon is not a defect but rather proof of properly insulated glazing.

Care instructions

  • Every fall, remove screens from your windows. Air circulation will be much more efficient near the glazing and condensation will be prevented.
  • If you have shades, curtains, drapes or blinds, open them regularly.
  • The hot air from your dryer must be evacuated outside.
  • When preparing meals, turn on the range hood.
  • When taking a bath or shower, turn on the ventilation fan and/or open the bathroom door.
  • Air out your house periodically. Opening your windows for a few minutes each day evacuates stale, humid air and brings in fresh, dry air without affecting your heating.
  • Ensure that all sources of outdoor ventilation are functional, and use these fans during and after activities that produce moisture to remove excess moisture.
  • Use a basement dehumidifier in the fall, spring and summer.
  • In winter, use the following chart to properly adjust your air exchanger or humidifier and regulate the humidity level in your home.
  • The humidity level inside your house must be adjusted depending on the outside temperature. (see table)
Humidity rate required
Outside temperature
Maximum humidity rate
required in the house
-30 or less
-30 à -24
-24 à -18
-18 à -12
-12 à -6
-6 à 0

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